Sunday, April 21, 2013

Youtube: Creativity Unlimited

You know, Youtube is full of fantastic video footage. I will admit, some do seem to be...kind of stupid, but there are many videos that a person can enjoy. You can literally find everything you need on Youtube, especially when it comes to how-to's and tutorials. You can learn Math, learn to play guitar, hell, even learn to drive! but I know for a fact, that most people search the videos of Youtube for it's entertainment value. I am subscribed to many different uploaders, and I even have some videos I edited and uploaded myself, although that was a long time ago. Here I will show you some of my favorite videos and even, maybe share one of my own!

The ERB aka Epic Rap Battles  of History. These videos are absolutely awesome!!! They are so funny, and some of them are just super super catchy!
Gahndi vs. Martin Luther King Jr.

Marylin Monroe vs. Cleopatra

And of course, being a computer nerd, 
this would become my favorite of the series so far!
Bill Gates vs. Steve Jobs

I really do enjoy those videos! Be aware there is cursing, so if you do find it offensive, I apologize.

The next video series is, being a gaming nerd, Dorkly Bits! They used and edit old game sprites and make videos. Really funny, especially if you get the reference.

Link's Yardsale

Subzero's Glasses

Toad's House is Rigged

I guess you can say I love these videos because of the nostalgia that they bring to me, since all of the games referenced played a part in my childhood.

The last video series I'll talk about is the REACT series from the Fine Bros. They have Kids, Teens and Elders all react to certain web videos on youtube, which varies from emotions of laughter to scared, but I guarantee it will make you laugh. XD

Elders React to Happy Tree Friends
(Warning: Very Graphic!)

Kids React to Hatsune Miku

Teens React to Girl Burns Her Hair Off

The last video, I nearly died laughing at the other teens reactions. That's the winning point of these videos is their reactions, its sooo hilarious. Although I did feel kind of bad for the girl.

Well..... Oh yeah, here's the last video that I personally created a long time ago. It's an anime music video. I got into video editing because of my fascination with this process, and have many made more, but here's one of my first ones. Enjoy!

Crucifixtion of the No Life King

Youtube really does allow us to view many different videos, but it also lets us observe other peoples creativity, giving everyone on youtube a broader audience that one may not have had before. It introduces people to different music, movies, and trends and makes it so everyone can be apart of it. Well, I'm Later Days!! Nerding Out!

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